Facts About Variscite: Meanings, Properties, and Benefits

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Variscite (also known as Utahlite) is a soft, green mineral that has gained a reputation for its beautiful, unique coloring, as well as its spiritual and metaphysical properties. Discovered in the late 1800s, variscite is found throughout North America and other parts of the world. Here are some interesting facts about this beautiful stone.

Meaning and Origin

The term “variscite” comes from the Latin word Variscus, which means “foreign.” The name was chosen owing to the stone’s first discovery in a remote part of what is now Luxembourg. In 1837, gemologist A.H. Koenig first described the mineral and dubbed it variscite.

On a spiritual level, the name reflects the idea that the stone is a foreign one, even from nature itself, and is considered an excellent source of divine energy and protection.


Variscite is a form of phosphate, which creates a unique crystalline structure. Its strength and durability depend on the amount of water present in the stone. Variscite ranges in color from bright green to a bluish-green hue.

The stone has a hardness of 4-4.5 on the Mohs scale of hardness, making it a relatively soft gemstone. It is nonetheless an ideal choice for jewelry due to its resilience and inclusions that give it beautiful nuances of color.

Metaphysical and Wellness Benefits

Variscite is often associated with a peaceful and calming energy that aligns the energies of the body and mind and calms an anxious or overwhelmed spirit. It’s a good aid for enhancing creativity and intellect as well as self-confidence.

The stone is also believed to help increase stamina and encourages compassion, making it excellent for those feeling lethargic or unmotivated. It can also be used to open a deeper level of spiritual communication and understanding.

In terms of physical wellness, variscite is thought to be beneficial for epilepsy, spasms, and vivid dreams or nightmares.


Variscite is an ideal gemstone for both its spiritual and physical benefits. It helps promote clarity, inner peace, creativity and motivation. The stone’s soft, soothing color and hues make it a popular choice for jewelry and décor.

Variscite is a fairly rare mineral. It is composed of phosphates and aluminum with traces of copper and other elements. Variscite is sister to turquoise and due to its softness a lot of variscite remains behind in the soil after mining. Variscite is often confused with other materials and to avoid confusion it is important to differentate between
variscite and turquoise.

Meaning of Variscite

Variscite is considered to be a “stone of creativity”, which means that those who wear the stone are filled with creative energy. It also stimulates activity in the brain, which can bring greater and easier understanding of the things that are a challenge. Variscite also gives its wearer a feeling of hope and new beginnings.

Properties of Variscite

  • Color: Variscite typically can be found in shades of green, yellow or blue. Occasionally, a combination of these colors can be seen naturally in variscite stones.
  • Hardness: Variscite has a hardness level of 5 to 6 on the Mohs scale.
  • Luster: Sheen or luster of a variscite specimen can range from matte to sub-vitreous.
  • Crystal Structure: As an amorphous mineral, variscite lacks feathery, platy, or striated crystal structure.

Benefits of Variscite

Variscite is known for its healing and therapeutic properties. It is believed to be a powerful stone for increasing creativity, communication, strengthening of the will, and fortifying of spiritual beliefs. Here are some other benefits of variscite:

  • Stabilizes Emotions: It helps to calm and center emotions, reducing stress and anxiety.
  • Promotes Love: Variscite is a powerful stone for increasing affection, understanding, compassion, and patience.
  • Alleviates Fears: It helps to identify and release deep-seated fears that are preventing personal growth and progression.
  • Increases Grounding: Variscite aids in grounding one’s spiritual energy into the physical world, allowing for a deeper understanding of the physical reality.

Variscite is a wonderful mineral to use as a healing stone; through its combination of creative energy, love, and grounding properties, it can lead to improved physical and emotional wellbeing.

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