Facts About Unakite: Meanings, Properties, and Benefits

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Unakite is a type of metamorphic rock created through the presence of jasper, epidote, and quartz. It was first discovered in the Unaka Mountains in North Carolina and is known for its unique combination of sparkling green, salmon and rusty orange hues. Both historically and in the present day, it has been used to bring balance and clarity to the thoughts and emotions, healing past traumas and realigning the body and emotions. This article will cover the different meanings, properties and benefits of unakite.


Unakite has a powerful combination of energies, each of which holds its own distinct symbolism. Firstly, jasper is known as the ‘Nurturing Stone’, providing strength and courage in challenging experiences. This is alongside the intense healing energy of epidote, which instills a sense of direction and a calmer outlook on difficult situations. Lastly, quartz is known to amplify the other energies it contains, working to unearth buried emotions, combat mental distress and uplift the spirits.


Unakite can be recognized by its unique pebble-like structure. It boasts two main components – quartz and epidote, plus a tint of jasper. When all of these components are blended they form a rolling landscape of mottled green, pink, and orange shimmers. The color is actually caused by a process of blending trace elements.


Given its combination of components, unakite has a number of beneficial uses. Generally, it is believed to help people who are easily overwhelmed by emotions and stress. This process of emotional healing takes place on an energetic level, allowing for an improved mental state and balance. This process of attaining spiritual clarity is further aided by the presence of quartz, which encourages increased concentration and focus.

On a physical level, unakite is thought to be beneficial in the treatment of joint problems, blockages of the circulatory system, and any other health issues that benefit from being physically balanced.

In conclusion, unakite is a unique type of metamorphic rock created in the Unaka mountains in North Carolina. It has powerful properties that blur the lines between physical and psychological, helping people to heal trauma and realign the body and emotions. It also has a number of physical benefits, assisting in the treatment of conditions such as joint problems and congested circulation. To truly benefit from its healing properties and balance, it is best to carry the stone with you in the form of jewelry or a healing wand.

Unakite’s Meanings and Uses

  • A stone of vision
  • Unakite can help bring our vision into focus, whether that’s a physical goal or a greater understanding of our life purpose.

  • A stone of balance
  • With its blend of green and pink, Unakite represents the perfect balance of the masculine and feminine energies. It can help us to find our own inner balance and to feel at peace with ourselves.

  • A stone of support
  • Unakite is a supportive and stabilizing stone that can help us through difficult times. It’s said to assist in easing us through transitions, whether that’s a physical move, a change in jobs, or a major life event.

  • A stone of pregnancy and childbirth
  • Unakite is known as a stone of pregnancy and fertility. It’s said to help pregnant women feel comfortable and confident during childbirth, and to support the health of both mother and child.

Unakite’s Healing Properties

  • Aids in recovery from illness
  • Unakite is known for its ability to help the body recover from illness. It’s said to stimulate the immune system and to speed the healing of wounds.

  • Reduces stress and anxiety
  • Unakite’s calming energy can help to ease stress and anxiety. It’s a helpful stone for those who tend to worry or overthink things.

  • Relieves symptoms of PMS
  • Unakite is said to be helpful for relieving the symptoms of premenstrual syndrome (PMS), including mood swings, cramps, and bloating.

  • Supports the health of the reproductive system
  • Unakite is known for its ability to support the health of the reproductive system. It’s said to be helpful for easing pregnancy and childbirth, and for promoting fertility.

Unakite’s metaphysical properties

Unakite is a stone of vision. It can help us to see our lives more clearly and to find our purpose. Unakite is also a stone of balance. It can help us to find our inner balance and to feel at peace with ourselves. Unakite is a supportive and stabilizing stone that can help us through difficult times. It’s said to assist in easing us through transitions, whether that’s a physical move, a change in jobs, or a major life event. Unakite is also known as a stone of pregnancy and fertility. It’s said to help pregnant women feel comfortable and confident during childbirth, and to support the health of both mother and child.

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