Industrial marketing: how to build a successful strategy

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A major challenge shared by companies in the industrial sector (B2B) is to achieve the expected result in their marketing campaigns.

After all, strategic industrial marketing planning can be much more complicated than it seems.For a strategy to have a return and be driven towards success, it is important to take the most appropriate measures and actions.Planning is the key factor to influence the success of your industrial marketing campaign.However, despite being fundamental, this type of marketing has also become a matter of priority for the sector.This is because an industry that invests in industrial marketing can leverage its visibility, reputation and credibility, in addition to, of course, increasing its sales and gaining more B2B customers.And if you want to know how it is possible to put together a successful industrial marketing strategy, we created this post to explain all the details of the subject. Want to know more about all this? So be sure to follow us on this post! Let’s go?

What is industrial marketing?

Basically, marketing is a set of strategies and actions that promote a certain offer to attract and retain customers.In the same sense, industrial marketing is also based on strategies designed to generate results, however, these actions are directed towards companies in the B2B sector. In turn, B2B (or Business to Business) is the market for companies that sell products and services to other companies. This is the case of industries that manufacture neodymium magnets and distribute them to other businesses, for example.The B2B market can be, in most cases, more challenging than companies that sell products and services directly to final consumers (B2C).To understand better, just compare a store that sells products directly to its customers with an aluminum billet industry that offers a series of products to the store, for example.The B2B industry needs, more than to seduce this business customer, also to guarantee a safe and profitable sale so that it is maintained in the long termThat’s where industrial marketing comes in, with the aim of building solid and lasting relationships between companies.

How to set up an industrial marketing strategy?

Now that you already know what industrial marketing is, let’s understand now how you can build a successful strategy in your industry. Check it out below!

Know all about your target audience

Just like any other company, whether in the B2B or B2C sector, identifying your target audience and knowing all the details about it is essential.After all, industrial marketing strategies will be developed just for him. To do this, do research and gather all the characteristics and behavior of this audience. A tip is to create a persona, which in turn is a representation of your ideal client.As a result, you will have more clarity about which companies you want to reach with industrial marketing campaigns.

Work with specific channels in industrial marketing

It is also important to select which channels are most present where your industry wants to operate.Especially if you work with a niche, such as selling check valves, for example, being on every possible channel on the internet can take a lot of time and effort, in addition to not bringing the expected return for your business.As a result, analyze where your target audience has more online presence, whether on social networks, forums, marketplaces, among others.

Optimize your website

In industrial marketing, having an optimized and relevant website has become essential. Studies show that more than half of the Brazilian population has access to the internet, and 43% of this amount uses online means to search for products and services, including B2B ones.And having an optimized website can bring more visibility to your brand and attract potential customers (leads) to the platform.Website optimization is done through SEO (Search Engine Optimization), which are marketing actions so that your website is better positioned by search engines, such as Google, Yahoo and Bing. With SEO, a business becomes more positioned and visible to customers. In other words, if a lead is looking for your products and services, with SEO, the chances of him finding your website first than other platforms are much greater.

Invest in relevant content

Another way to build an industrial marketing strategy is with marketing and content.This strategy’s main objective is to attract new leads, generate conversions, entertain, increase your traffic and communicate with the public. Content marketing is about producing highly relevant content targeted to a certain persona. By building quality content, you can expose the benefits of your products and services, teach your customers about relevant topics and make them more engaged on the subject, seeing your industry as a solution to their needs. needs.This way, your business stands out in the market, becomes a reference in the subject and wins more customers! Now that you know everything about how you can create a successful industrial marketing strategy, what are you waiting for to start your strategic planning and succeed? Did you like our content? Tell us!This article was written by Rafaela Ricardo, Content Creator at Soluções Industriais.

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