How to Use Quick Settings in Android 12

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How to Use Quick Settings in Android 12

Android 12 is full of useful features. Features like focus mode and digital wellbeing are the building blocks of the new version of Android. To make them available at any time, you need to learn how to use quick settings in Android 12. In fact, there can be so many quick settings that finding the right one can take a little longer than you would like. To make it easier to handle so many, Android 12 makes it very easy to customize each such cell so you can find and use it right away. This is what you really need to know.

Quick Settings in Android 12

As usual, you will need to swipe down to open the notifications panel, and again to see several pages of settings. That’s not all, but we’ll get back to it. There are a few settings that you will likely change frequently. For example, settings such as Bluetooth, Airplane mode, GPay, and the like.

Here is a list of settings currently available for Android 12 :

  • Internet
  • Bluetooth
  • GPay
  • Do not disturb
  • Focus mode
  • Alarm
  • Airplane mode
  • Device management
  • Auto-rotate
  • Energy saving
  • Screen Cast
  • Lantern
  • Screen recording
  • Share next
  • Microphone access
  • Camera Access
  • Access point
  • Dark theme
  • Night mode
  • Battery Sharing
  • Geolocation
  • Invert Colors
  • storage

That’s not all, but it gives you an idea of ​​how many quick settings there are, and not all of them fit on one page. In fact, only four tiles are shown when you open the notification center, so choose what you want to put in quick access wisely.

How to Open Quick Settings in Android 12

If you swipe down twice – or swipe with two fingers – from the top of the screen on Android 12, the quick settings page opens in all its glory. Under quick settings, there will be three buttons: edit, power options, and settings. Click on the pencil to edit the view. This will open the entire selection of quick settings, including the active and hidden sections.

Open Quick Settings in Android 12
Open Quick Settings in Android 12

To move a tile, press and hold. After that, drag to the active section – to the top of the page. When you do this, the tile will remain in that location until you decide to move it to another location.

How many quick settings fit on one Android 12 screen

On the Pixel 6, each page contains eight tiles, and the first four are even faster to access because they’re visible in the notifications panel. For example, if the tile is located on the fifth line, lower on the edit quick settings page, then this option will be located on the second page. It can be accessed by double swiping down from the home screen. Therefore, it is worth considering moving all the tiles used daily as high as possible. So they will be literally one swipe away from you and will perform their function.

Quick Settings is extremely easy to use. Clicking on each setting performs the corresponding action, whether it’s turning on sleep mode or opening home controls. Play around with the settings – click on them to understand what they give and choose what you need.

How many quick settings fit on one Android 12 screen
How many quick settings fit on one Android 12 screen

By pressing and holding one of the settings for a while, your device should prompt you to go to the corresponding page, where you can make even more edits if you need it or if the element allows you to do it. This way you will have full control over additional features.

Why you need quick settings in Android 12

All in all, Quick Settings is a hugely useful feature in Android 12. Instead of clicking on a huge number of menu items and digging through the bowels of the settings, you will get everything you need in just one or two swipes. This really makes the phone easier to use and is a nice new feature in Android 12.

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