5 Powerful Tips to Extend Your Samsung Galaxy Watch Battery Life

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The Samsung Galaxy Watch series offers a sleek and convenient way to stay connected and monitor your health on the go. But like any smartphone, battery life can be a concern. A dead watch during a workout or important meeting can be frustrating. Luckily, there are several tweaks you can make to squeeze more juice out of your Galaxy Watch. Here are 5 powerful tips to significantly improve your Samsung Galaxy Watch battery life:

Tip 1: Optimize Display Settings

The display is one of the biggest battery drainers on any smartwatch. By adjusting some settings, you can significantly reduce the power consumption of your Galaxy Watch’s screen. Here’s what you can do:

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  • Reduce Brightness: A brighter screen uses more battery. Lowering the brightness level is a simple yet effective way to conserve power. Swipe down from the top of the watch screen to access the Quick Panel. Tap the brightness icon and adjust the slider to a comfortable level.
  • Disable Always On Display (AOD): This feature keeps the clock or watch face visible even when the screen is off. While convenient, it constantly drains the battery. To disable AOD, open the Settings app, navigate to “Display,” and toggle off the “Always On Display” switch.
  • Shorten Screen Timeout: This determines how long the screen stays lit after you interact with it. Reducing the timeout to a shorter duration, like 15 seconds, can save battery as the screen turns off quicker. Access the Settings app, navigate to “Display,” and adjust the “Screen timeout” setting.

Tip 2: Manage Power-Hungry Features

Certain features on your Galaxy Watch are more battery-intensive than others. Here’s how to manage them for optimal battery life:

  • Control Notifications: Constant notifications can activate the screen and drain the battery. Consider disabling notifications from apps you don’t use frequently. Open the Galaxy Wearable app on your phone, navigate to “App Notifications,” and choose which apps can send notifications to your watch.
  • Limit Location Services: Location tracking is a significant battery drain. If you don’t need continuous location updates for all apps, restrict access. Open the Galaxy Wearable app, navigate to “Location,” and manage location permissions for individual apps.
  • Adjust Heart Rate Monitoring: Continuous heart rate monitoring provides valuable health insights but consumes battery. Consider setting a custom interval for heart rate checks. Open the Samsung Health app on your watch, navigate to “Heart rate,” and choose “Manual” to adjust the frequency.

Tip 3: Utilize Power Saving Mode

Your Galaxy Watch comes with a built-in Power Saving Mode that optimizes settings for extended battery life. While it might slightly limit performance, it’s a great option when you need your watch to last longer. Here’s how to activate it:

  1. Swipe down from the top of the watch screen to access the Quick Panel.
  2. Tap the “Power Saving” icon.

Power Saving Mode on Galaxy Watch:

Always On DisplayDisabled
Wi-FiDisabled (unless connected to a known network)
CPU SpeedLimited
BrightnessReduced by 10%
Background Network UsageLimited
Background LocationLimited
Background SyncingLimited
Screen TimeoutReduced to 15 seconds
Wake-up Gesture (Raise to Wake)Disabled

Tip 4: Manage Unnecessary Apps and Watch Faces

Unnecessary apps and watch faces running in the background can drain the battery. Here’s how to manage them effectively:

  • Uninstall Unused Apps: If you have apps on your watch that you don’t use, uninstall them to free up resources and improve battery life. Open the Galaxy Wearable app and navigate to “Watch apps.” Tap on the app you want to uninstall and select “Uninstall.”
  • Choose Efficient Watch Faces: Some watch faces are more battery-friendly than others. Simpler faces with fewer animations and complications generally consume less power. Experiment with different watch faces and choose one that provides the information you need without draining the battery excessively.

Tip 5: Develop Smart Charging Habits

While these tips focus on optimizing battery usage, your charging habits also play a role in overall battery health. Here are some smart charging practices to extend the lifespan of your Galaxy Watch battery:

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  • Avoid Deep Discharges: Letting your watch completely drain before charging can stress the battery. It’s best to top up the battery when it reaches around 20%.
  • Use the Original Charger: While third-party chargers might seem convenient, using the original charger that came with your watch ensures optimal charging speed and current delivery, which helps protect the battery’s health.
  • Avoid Extreme Temperatures: Expose your watch to extreme heat or cold can damage the battery and reduce its lifespan. Store and charge your watch in moderate temperatures.

Bonus Tip: Regularly Update Your Watch

Software updates often include battery optimizations and bug fixes. Keeping your Galaxy Watch updated with the latest software can improve battery performance. You can check for updates through the Galaxy Wearable app on your phone.


By implementing these simple tips, you can significantly improve the battery life of your Samsung Galaxy Watch. Remember, the ideal balance between features and battery life depends on your individual needs. Experiment with different settings and find the sweet spot that allows you to get the most out of your smartwatch experience without constant charging anxiety.

Summary of Tips to Improve Galaxy Watch Battery Life

Optimize Display Settings– Reduce Brightness<br> – Disable Always On Display<br> – Shorten Screen TimeoutLower screen power consumption
Manage Power-Hungry Features– Control Notifications<br> – Limit Location Services<br> – Adjust Heart Rate MonitoringReduce battery drain from unnecessary features
Utilize Power Saving ModeEnable Power Saving ModeExtend battery life by automatically optimizing settings
Manage Unnecessary Apps and Watch Faces– Uninstall Unused Apps<br> – Choose Efficient Watch FacesFree up resources and reduce background power consumption
Develop Smart Charging Habits– Avoid Deep Discharges<br> – Use the Original Charger<br> – Avoid Extreme TemperaturesMaintain battery health and extend lifespan

Power Saving Mode – Feature Effects

Always On DisplayDisabled
Wi-FiDisabled (unless connected to a known network)
CPU SpeedLimited
BrightnessReduced by 10%
Background Network UsageLimited
Background LocationLimited
Background SyncingLimited
Screen TimeoutReduced to 15 seconds
Wake-up Gesture (Raise to Wake)Disabled

By following these recommendations, you can enjoy the full potential of your Samsung Galaxy Watch for longer periods without worrying about running out of battery. Happy exploring!

Also, Read:

Samsung Galaxy Watch Battery Life FAQs

1. How long should my Galaxy Watch battery last on a single charge?

Battery life can vary depending on usage, model, and settings. However, a general estimate is:

  • 30-40 hours: With features like Always On Display turned off and moderate usage.
  • Less than 24 hours: With heavy usage of features like GPS, continuous heart rate monitoring, and a constantly lit display.

2. My Galaxy Watch battery drains quickly. What could be the reason?

Several factors can contribute to rapid battery drain:

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  • Always On Display: This feature is a major culprit. Consider disabling it if you don’t need the constant time display.
  • Excessive Notifications: Constant notifications can wake the screen and drain the battery. Limit notifications from unnecessary apps.
  • Continuous Location Tracking: Location services are battery-intensive. Restrict location access for apps that don’t require it constantly.
  • Bright Screen: A high brightness level consumes more power. Adjust the brightness to a comfortable level.
  • Unnecessary Apps: Unused apps running in the background can drain the battery. Uninstall apps you don’t use.

3. Is it okay to use a wireless charger other than the original one?

While some wireless chargers might work, it’s best to use the original charger that came with your watch. This ensures optimal charging speed and current delivery, which helps protect the battery’s health in the long run.

4. Does restarting my Galaxy Watch improve battery life?

Restarting your watch can occasionally help clear temporary glitches that might be affecting battery performance. It’s not a guaranteed fix, but it can’t hurt to try.

5. Should I keep Bluetooth on all the time for my Galaxy Watch?

If you want to stay connected to your phone for notifications and other features, then yes, keep Bluetooth on. However, if you’re not using these features and want to conserve battery, you can temporarily disable Bluetooth.

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